Compassion, Innovation & Excellence

Kroger Plus Donation

Donate using your Kroger Plus Card

Add HealthPoint Family Care to your Kroger Plus card and Kroger will donate a certain percentage to HealthPoint Family Care.
This will be free to you and does not impact your fuel points.

Registration Steps:

  1. Go to and click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT.
  2. Follow the screens entering your information. You will need your Kroger Plus number from the back of the card.
  3. Once complete, you will receive an e-mail shortly with a link to finish the registration. After clicking on the link you will be back on Kroger Community Rewards site. Sign into your account.
  4. If you did not enter your Kroger Plus card number during the initial registration click on Kroger Plus Card and enter your number now.
  5. Lastly, click on Community Rewards and enter “HealthPoint Family Care” NPO number 55820. Select HealthPoint when it appears and click save. This is the important step. Please don’t forget it.

Note: In 7-10 days HealthPoint Family Care will be on your Kroger receipt.

Annual Re-linking Process

Login in to your Kroger Community Rewards account & follow step 5 above.
Click here to register

NOTE:  This program does not affect your store loyalty points, gasoline points or any existing program.  Continue to use your merchant loyalty cards as usual.