Compassion, Innovation & Excellence

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If you have an emergency, please dial 911.

Schedule an Appointment Online

You can walk in with no appointment or schedule an appointment, including Same Appointments.

Schedule an Appointment in Northern Kentucky

Dial: 859-655-6100

To schedule an appointment, press 1.
To reach an office for other questions, press 2.

Schedule an Appointment or Call an Office in Nicholasville

Dial: 859-881-4288

To schedule an appointment, press 1.

For the Billing Department

Dial: 859-655-6100. Press 8 for the Billing Department

For the Non-English Line

Para asistencia en español marque 859-655-6100 or

Pour obtenir de l’aide en français, composez 859-695-3996

Si aad u hesho caawimo xagga garaaca Soomaaliga ah 859-374-2656

(لاتصال الهاتفي العربي lilhusul ealaa almusaeadat fi alaitisal alhatifii alearabii 859-350-6541

Для помощи на русском языке звоните Dlya pomoshchi na russkom yazyke zvonite 859-350-6766

Need a copy of your medical records? Fill out a release form. A copy of your records is always free. You can pick your records up at the front desk. Be prepared to show ID and to verify your identity. If you choose to have them mailed to you, there is a fee for actual postage. Most records cost $5.00 to mail. An actual estimate of your cost will be given to you.

Sick After Office Hours?

Sick After Office Hours?

The team at HealthPoint Family Care understands that you and your child do not always get sick when our office is open. A provider is on-call after hours to answer your questions if needed when the office is not open. Call the office at (859) 655-6100 in Northern Kentucky or (859) 881-4288 in Nicholasville an our on call service will assist you. If you don’t need to speak with someone immediately below is some information that may be helpful.


Call the provider if:

  • Your infant under 3 months of age has a rectal temperature over 100.4 degrees
  • Your infant between 3 & 6 months old has a rectal temperature over 101 degrees
  • Your infant between 7 & 12 months old has a rectal temperature over 103 degrees
  • Any time older children or adults look seriously ill and have a fever

Vomiting and/or Diarrhea

Call the provider if you or your child:

  • Look dehydrated and have signs of dry mouth, sunken eyes or vomiting green bile
  • Has projectile vomiting
  • Has abdominal (belly) pain with vomiting
  • Vomiting bloody or dark black fluids


Call the provider if you or your child:

  • Has cough that continues to worsen
  • Has a fever, wheezing, or difficulty breathing
  • Has a history or Asthma or COPD and albuterol treatments are not helping
  • Is coughing up blood


Call the provider if you or your child:

  • Has a fever with the rash
  • Has a purplish rash that does not turn white (blanch) when you press on it

Situations that need IMMEDIATE medical attention rather than calling your HealthPoint Provider after hours:

  • Severe pain (especially in abdomen, head, or chest)
  • Severe headache (especially with a fever and/or stiff neck)
  • Seizures
  • Testicular pain
  • Head injuries with loss of consciousness or altered mental state
  • Cuts that spread open or won’t stop bleeding
  • Severe allergic reactions that affects breathing or ability to swallow
  • Ingestions (swallowing or putting things in the mouth) such as cleaning products, plants, medications that are not prescribed for the patient). CALL POISON CONTROL in Kentucky 1-800-722-5725 or 1-800-222-1222 or Ohio 1-513-636-5111
  • Extensive burns
  • Psychosocial emergencies like sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, or threats of suicide
  • Painful urination with fever

Enfermo Fuera de Horario?

El equipo de Health Point Family Care entiende que usted y su hijo no siempre se enfermaan en regulars “Horas de negocio.” Un proveedor esta listo para tomar llamadas y responder sus preguntas despues de horas de negocio. Aqui esta una guia para ayudarle a saber cuando debe llamar a nuestra oficina al (859) 655-6100:


Llame su proveedor si:

  • Su bebe menor de 3 meses de edad tiene una temperature rectal mas de 100.4 grados
  • Su bebe entre 3 a 6 meses de edad tiene una temperature rectal mas de 101 grados
  • Su bebe de 7 a 12 meses de edad tiene una temperature mas de 103 grados
  • En cualquier tiempo que ninos mayores y adultos se ven seriamente enfermos y tienen fiebre

Vomito y/o Diarrea

Llame su proveedor si usted o su hijo:

  • Se ve deshidratado y tener si­ntomas de boca seca, ojos hundidos o vomitos de bilis verde
  • Tiene vomitos explosives
  • Tiene dolor abdominal con vomito
  • VÃmitos con sander o fluidos negro oscuro


Llame su proveedor si usted o su hijo:

  • Tiene tos que continua a empeorando
  • Tiene fiebre, sibilancias, o dificultad para respirar
  • Tiene una historia o asma o EPOC y albuterol tratamientos no ayudan
  • Esta tosiendo sangre


Llame su proveedor si usted o su hijo:

  •  Tiene fiebre con la sarpullido
  • Tiene un sarpullido morado que no se pone blanco cuando lo oprimes

Situaciones que necesitan atencion medica INMEDIATO en debes de llamar a Health Point despues de horas negogio:

  • Dolor grave (especialmente en el abdomen, caveza, o pecho)
  • Dolor de cabeza intenso (especialmente con fiebre o tiezo el cuello)
  • Convulsiones
  • Dolor testicular
  • Lesiones en la cabeza con la perdida de la conciencia o alterado el estando mental
  • Cortadas que se abren y no dejan de sangrar
  • ReacciÃn alÃrgica grave que afecta su respiracion o capacidad de tragar
  • Ingestiones (tragando o ponerse algo en la boca) such como productos de limpiesa, plantas, medicasionesque no son recomendadas para el pasiente ). LLAME AL CENTRO DE TOXICOLOGIA En Kentucky 1-800-722-5725 o 1-800-222-1222 o Ohio 1-513-636-5111
  • Quemaduras extensas
  • Emergencias psicosociales como asalto sexual, abuso infantil, violencia domestica, o amenazas de suicidio)
  • Dolor al orinar, con fiebre
Notice of FTCA Deeming

This health center receives HHS funding and has federal Public Health Service deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.  For more information click here.


1401 Madison AveCovington, Kentucky 41011

Tel: 859-655-6100

Fax: 859-655-6179

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7607 Dixie HighwayFlorence, Kentucky 41042

Tel: 859-655-6100

Fax: 859-282-8611

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215 E. 11th StreetNewport, Kentucky 41071

Tel: 859-655-6100

Fax: 859-655-6186

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101 Orchard DriveNicholasville, Kentucky 40356

Tel: 859-881-4288

Fax: 859-881-4388

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Nicholasville – CHI Campus

1250 Keene Road Suite 104Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356

Tel: 859-881-4288

Fax: 859-881-4388

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313 Madison PikeErlanger, Kentucky 41017

Tel: 859-655-6100

Fax: 859-655-6221

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200 Rice StreetWilmore, KY 40390

Tel: 859-881-4288

Fax: 0000000

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